Day one here was incredibly interesting - in terms of both cultural and social aspects. Visited many Wats (temples) and while in transit got to experience day to day life in Bangkok. A very busy, hot, muggy and polluted city with snarled traffic everywhere - it is totally amazing to me that there aren't 100 traffic deaths everyday and I'm not really sure why they paint lines on the street either - oddly enough these people negotiate sidewalk traffic in much the same manner - aggressively and recklessly! But it keeps you hopping!
Visited the Grand Palace (you'll notice one of the pics with me there and my spiffy rental trousers - since shorts are not allowed), Wat Poh (the reclining bhudda), Wat Arum and got fitted for my very first custom cashmere suit! I have a lot of really great shots today but for some reason this computer is not letting me rotate any of the vertical shots - so I apologise - I will no doubt continue to make new posts once I get home and organize things - hey this could be a trip that goes on for months! Time to sign off - only about 36 hours left! More tomorrow!
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